What Are the Benefits of SPF + Vitamin C?

3 minutes
July 26, 2022

SPF and vitamin C go together like peanut butter and chocolate. There are many reasons to opt for this perfect pairing, when mapping out your skincare routine. Here are two of the main reasons to pair vitamin c and sunscreen in your routine:

Vitamin C increases the efficacy of SPF alone

Adding vitamin C to your sunscreen has the effect of, as Spinal Tap would say, turning things up to 11. A study published in the journal Acta Dermato-Venereologica found that vitamin C mixed with a UVA sunscreen generated a photoprotective effect that was larger than what you’d expect just by adding one to the other. It’s a situation in which 1 + 1 = 3. UV exposure generates free radicals. Due to its antioxidant strength, vitamin C can neutralize these free radicals if they sneak past your layer of sunblock. Your skin wins.

Reduces dark spots and hyperpigmentation

In certain cases, if free radicals get past your SPF, they get past your layer of vitamin C, and they sink into your skin cells. Once there, they mess with things and trigger the production of excess melanin, leading to skin discoloration. But once again, vitamin C comes to the rescue because it’s not just an antioxidant — it also blocks the enzyme that cells need to manufacture melanin. Not only does this reduce dark patches, but it also gives the complexion a brighter appearance overall. Your skin wins again. 

Make your personalized power pair

It’s simple to create your own souped-up sunscreen. As part of your morning skincare routine, smooth a layer of a vitamin C serum, such as Dr. Dennis Gross Vitamin C Lactic 15% Vitamin C Firm & Bright Serum, over your face and neck. Then follow with a broad spectrum, mineral sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. (Try Dr. Dennis Gross All-Physical Lightweight Wrinkle Defense Broad Spectrum Sunscreen SPF 30.) It takes a dollop of sunscreen the size of a nickel or larger to cover an adult’s face and neck adequately, so this is not the time to stint on the SPF!

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Written By

Kayla Kernel

Kayla is a Medical Esthetician with 10+ years of experience. Growing up, Kayla struggled with cystic acne and scarring. This experience drives her passion to help others on their skincare journey. Kayla specializes in all skin types, tones, and ages.

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Written By

Kayla Kernel

Kayla is a Medical Esthetician with 10+ years of experience. Growing up, Kayla struggled with cystic acne and scarring. This experience drives her passion to help others on their skincare journey. Kayla specializes in all skin types, tones, and ages.

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