Hit It: Introducing The Dr. Dennis Gross Alpha Beta On The Spot Eliminator

6 minutes
April 03, 2024

We’ve all been there. You have an important job interview/hot date/work presentation/overdue vacation, and you wake up with Mount Vesuvius ready to erupt on your forehead. Or maybe every month, in line with your period, you develop a series of blemishes along your jawline.

Whatever the reason behind the breakout, the desire for its speedy end is universal. And effective, fast-acting solutions are sorely lacking. Why else would people return time and again to the (ill-advised) idea of using toothpaste to treat a pimple

We want you to save the toothpaste for your teeth, so we developed something much, much better at quickly clearing up a breakout (that’s actually formulated for use on skin!) — our new Dr. Dennis Gross Alpha Beta On The Spot Eliminator.

What makes On The Spot Eliminator unique?

Any spot treatment can claim to be targeted, but many of them work by drying out the surface oil of your blemish. While that may seem like a good idea, unless you solve for what’s clogging the pore in the first place, you aren’t going to get complete resolution of your breakout. (And overdrying a pimple sets off a chain reaction that’s nothing but bad.)

Our On The Spot Eliminator is full of beta hydroxy acid (BHA), an ingredient proven to shoot straight into the core of a pore and dissolve whatever is causing the plug. And it’s quick!
But that speed doesn’t come at the expense of your complexion.

This clear gel is also loaded with ingredients that will keep your skin balanced and calm, so that as your breakout clears up, there’s no trace of it left behind. And that’s not just our opinion. 

We commissioned a clinical study of 20 patients who tried our Dr. Dennis Gross Alpha Beta On The Spot Eliminator. On the first day, 85 percent of subjects said their skin looked better (and that’s just having applied the product!). And by the third day, 92 percent of those patients said their skin looked less oily. How many blemish-drying solutions can say the same?

Black girl with acne on her face squeezing out Dr Dennis Gross Alpha Beta On The Spot Eliminator  onto her finger

What are some key ingredients in On The Spot Eliminator and how do they work?

Salicylic acid

The big daddy of the BHAs, salicylic acid doesn’t mess around or waste time. Apply it to your skin, and salicylic acid will take its oil-soluble self straight down your pore channel. Once it arrives, it immediately springs into action, dissolving the gunk that’s clumped together to block oil flow and trigger a skin eruption. If you’re serious about clearing up a pimple stat, start with salicylic acid.

Azelaic acid

This chemical compound (dicarboxylic acid) has been getting a lot of buzz. In its topical form, azelaic acid kills the bacteria linked to acne. Then for its next trick, azelaic acid helps inhibit pigment formation. This can reduce the chances that your breakout leaves a dark spot or other discoloration in its wake.


Part of the German chamomile plant, bisabolol applied topically is just as calming for skin as drinking a cup of chamomile tea is for your insides. While it’s soothing what ails you, bisabolol is also promoting the absorption of other ingredients in the formula. It’s generous like that.

Centella asiatica

Drawn from an herb primarily grown in Asia, centella asiatica has been shown to be chock full of the amino acids that soothe angry (or compromised) skin. It also helps strengthen the skin barrier, so that skin gets less irritated later.

Glycolic acid

Glycolic acid is one of the OGs of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). This derivative of sugar cane is popular for treating acne because it goes deeper into skin than most other AHAs, providing both exfoliation and collagen stimulation. (Remember, however, that glycolic acid — like all AHAs — is water soluble, so it’s not going to absorb into the pit of a pore, otherwise known as sebum city. Only a BHA can do that.) Glycolic acid is going to get rid of any dead cells covering the opening of your pore, which is almost as important as getting rid of the blockage inside the pore itself. And by helping increase your skin’s collagen bank, glycolic acid can help reduce the chance of acne-related scarring.

Green tea

A potent antioxidant, green tea is just as strong when it comes to its anti-inflammatory capabilities. It will help a giant red spot quickly become not so giant and not so red.

Mushroom extract

Our version comes from the snow ear mushroom and is an antioxidant and also a humectant. When it’s not fighting off free radicals, mushroom extract is drawing water from the air and pulling it into skin, ensuring what was swollen and inflamed doesn’t become crusted and flaky.

What are the benefits of On The Spot Eliminator?

• Works with lightning speed

• Flattens pimples on contact

• Effective on breakouts of all kinds

• Won’t overdry skin

• Suitable for all skin types, including dry and sensitive

Shop Alpha Beta On The Spot Eliminator

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Written By

Ben Gentzler

Ben Gentzler ha trabajado en la industria de la belleza durante 17 años, 10 de los cuales se dedicaron al cuidado clínico de la piel. Es un esteticista licenciado apasionado por la educación profesional líder en tratamientos de vanguardia en los mejores spas de todo el mundo y por la formación en la ciencia de la piel. Ben se ha capacitado directamente con el Dr. Dennis Gross, aprendiendo sobre lo último en cuidado de la piel y trabajando con sus clientes para ayudarlos a lograr su mejor piel.

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Written By

Ben Gentzler

Ben Gentzler ha trabajado en la industria de la belleza durante 17 años, 10 de los cuales se dedicaron al cuidado clínico de la piel. Es un esteticista licenciado apasionado por la educación profesional líder en tratamientos de vanguardia en los mejores spas de todo el mundo y por la formación en la ciencia de la piel. Ben se ha capacitado directamente con el Dr. Dennis Gross, aprendiendo sobre lo último en cuidado de la piel y trabajando con sus clientes para ayudarlos a lograr su mejor piel.

Read More from Ben Gentzler

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