Meet Courtney Brooks, Aesthetician And Director Of Aesthetics At Dennis Gross Dermatology
9 min

October 15th is National Aesthetician Day – a day dedicated to spotlighting aestheticians who keep us looking our best all year long. Seriously, what would we do without them?
To celebrate, we are spotlighting Courtney Brooks, our go-to facialist extraordinaire and laser goddess. From chemical peels to laser hair removal and Ulthera, Courtney keeps us looking fresh-faced 365 days per year.
How did you become interested in skin?
Truth be told, I have always been interested in skin! Dealing with breakouts as a teen, my mom would take me to a local spa where I would spend my entire facial asking the aesthetician questions like: “what are you doing now,” “what is this mask,” “how did you become an aesthetician,” “can I do this at home” etc. I’m sure she just wanted me to stop talking but I was completely enamored by everything she did.
I’ve also always been very interested in ingredients- I would read books about home skin remedies and do-it-yourself treatments. I remember I would smash up Advil (sorry mom), mix with baking soda and a little milk for an at-home exfoliating face mask when I was only 12 or 13. It’s funny in hindsight because the base of all of those ingredients is found in Dr.Gross’ Alpha Beta peel!
When did you know that you wanted to be an aesthetician?
I have a very vivid memory from 8th grade where my teacher asked us all to write down the three things we wanted to be when we grew up. Naturally, my #1 choice was a movie star, duh., but I remember asking my friend how to help me spell what her mom did, she owned a spa in our town, so my #2 was AESTHETICIAN 😊.
In addition to my love of skin and the entirety of the beauty industry, my true passion has always been making others feel good, making them feel heard, feel seen, and feel that they have a friend in me. Being an aesthetician provides an outlet for people to have a very lovely relationship with someone outside of their immediate circle, and I take major pride in being that person for my clients, I’m all ears with zero judgment and all the love!
What is your favorite treatment to give? Which is your favorite to receive (we are sure you have tried all of the latest and greatest lasers, peels, etc.)?
I really love treating hyperpigmentation! While it is fun to do tightening treatments or treatments that provide a glow —there is something SO satisfying seeing the evolution of someone’s skin before and after treating their hyperpigmentation, residual acne scars, melasma, etc.
I treat people as if I was treating myself, their results are my results and I want them to be sublimely happy!
I very rarely receive treatments… such a weird thing, but I think most aestheticians feel this way, am I right?! I love doing a peel and laser combo to improve my overall texture and to reduce my natural redness, ideally every 6-8 weeks. I did my first Ultherapy treatment about 4 months ago, and I have to say my jawline looks slightly more “JLo-esque” which I’m obviously thrilled about 😊.
If you were a skincare ingredient, which would you be and why?
This question reminds me of a Miss America Pageant!
I think I would say Vitamin C, because it should be a part of everyone’s daily routine and its goal is to brighten your skin!
Do you have a favorite story of when you made a difference in someone’s skin?
Dr. Gross & I were treating a teenage boy maybe 8-9 years ago that was dealing with terrible acne- fully broken out on his face, chest, back & shoulders. He was always very short with conversations when he was in the office. You could tell he didn’t want to talk to us, that he was uncomfortable and wanted to get in and out of his appointment as fast as possible.
I would say within 6 months of treating him consistently and completely clearing his skin, something changed. He walked in for his regular appointment and was a total ray of light, saying: “Hey Court, how was your weekend- did you see that Nets game Friday night?” … and while of course, I didn’t watch the game haha I knew at that very moment, helping him with his skin completely changed his outlook on the day-to-day. Helped him fall back into himself and live a better quality of life, he immediately carried himself differently. What a gift to me, that I was at all a part of this boy becoming happier and more comfortable in his own skin! I will never take that ability for granted.
What is one question you wish more patients would ask?
I think there is a BIG misconception about sensitive skin vs. reactive skin, and some people miss out on the benefits of certain products or treatments because they think they are “sensitive.” Don’t get me wrong there are so many people that do have sensitive skin- but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t still do treatments like peels and/or laser. I think the most important factor comes down to seeing a professional team that can really clarify your skin type and condition for you to receive the best care, and in turn, get the best results!
What are some of your skincare tips or hacks you tell all of your friends and family?
- Puffy eyes tip- freeze used green tea bags and use them to de-puff & brighten your eye area in a pinch!
- DRINK THAT WATER, you will seriously see a difference in your skin when you’re internally hydrated.
- Consistency is key, you need to get in a solid skincare routine to see the benefits, both at home and professionally, don’t expect miracles overnight.
- Consistent exfoliation & face mask 1x per week <3
- I’m also a big fan of supplements & herbs, understanding the best diet & routine for your body internally, will show results externally as well!
What skincare habits do you wish people would break?
Ok sorry, I have 2:
- Please stop picking your skin; bathroom skin surgery never ends well! Picking will either create an even angrier breakout or it will spread the bacteria, causing a new breakout altogether. It can also cause scarring, which will be a bigger issue down the line. Leave the extracting to the pros!
- Also, please stop sleeping in your makeup! Being in a good skincare routine is how you will get results, when you sleep in your makeup or whatever you had on your face during the day it totally throws a wrench into your progress. Protect your investments and keep your skin clean, even if you’ve had a few glasses of wine 😊
What advice would you give someone else who is pursuing a career as an aesthetician?
- Stay true to your passion; there is room in the aesthetics industry for everyone who wants a place & your specialty will set you apart!
- There is no job too big or too small. I truly think we learn so much from every stop on our journey, so never be too hard on yourself on your way up.
- If you are not working for yourself, work for someone you believe in. Someone with the same outlook as you and that provides the same level of care. I feel so lucky to not only work under Dr. Gross & absorb his incredible knowledge, but we also think very similarly- we are incredibly honest to our clients and always have their best interest at heart. We do not offer a single treatment in our office that doesn’t provide amazing results- I take a lot of pride in that!
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Written By
Alyssa Keller
Alyssa Keller is the Director of Content & Communication at Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare. She is a self-prescribed skincare enthusiast and takes sun protection to a whole other level.
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Written By
Alyssa Keller
Alyssa Keller is the Director of Content & Communication at Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare. She is a self-prescribed skincare enthusiast and takes sun protection to a whole other level.
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